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Product News

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ZenCash: Make peace with invoicing

Business owners, gather in close. I’ve got a question for you: what do you hate most about running your business? Yeah, okay, tax time ranks up there, but I’ll bet you that “managing accounts receivable” is high on that list as well. Sometimes...

New Feature! Assign Projects from the User Profile

Recently, we introduced a new look to the user profile. Since its release, we’ve been working around the clock on the final touches of a feature that’s been highly requested by our customers – the ability to assign projects to people straight from...

Details On Unexpected Outage on March 5th

This morning around 8:50am EST Harvest began to perform slowly and was unavailable for short periods of time. We averted the immediate issue by doubling the number of application processes available to serve customer requests while we examined the...

Harvest Everywhere: Introducing Harvest for Mac

Since launching Harvest in 2006, we have been on a mission to create the best time tracking solution for businesses. We started by launching Harvest as a web-based application, allowing access to your data from anywhere you have an internet...

Preview: New User Profile

Our user profile was initially designed to be short, simple, and very fitting to our needs. As Harvest grew, it took on a more robust role, storing additional information and new settings for the application. We’ve realized that the profile had the...

Harvest4Clients – Keep your clients informed

I’m really excited to be writing this blog post! In support, one of the common feature requests we get is for a Harvest client log in: a place where you can direct your clients to go to view their invoices and any uninvoiced time on their projects....

Ode to Co-op

There has been plenty written recently on distributed teams. A couple of weeks ago @dhh wrote a post on the 37signals blog that generated an enormous amount of discussion. It’s a topic I’ve been thinking a lot about since I joined Harvest because I...

Harvest Android Update: Improved Syncing

Today we’re announcing a significant update for our Free official Harvest Android app, version 1.3. This update brings improved reliability with your Android phone syncing to your online Harvest account. We launched our Android app in March of this...

Empower Project Managers with Flexible Permissions

One of our most popular feature requests has been a more flexible user permissions system. Most importantly, administrators needed the ability to give project managers more control over their projects. We’re excited to announce that we’ve made this...