In a world where multitasking is second nature, and deadlines loom like dark clouds on the horizon, staying organized and productive can feel like an uphill battle.

The key lies in finding the right app that fits seamlessly into your workflow while providing insights into how you spend every precious minute of your day. Harvest and Clockify are among the top contenders vying for your attention in this arena. 

Selecting one over the other isn't simply flipping a coin; it requires careful evaluation based on features offered, ease of use, pricing structures, and overall compatibility with your unique needs.

Think of choosing between these two apps as if navigating through a maze – each twist or turn represents specific factors, such as reporting capabilities or integration options essential for smooth sailing along the path to productivity success.

Let's embark on this journey together by delving deeper into what Harvest and Clockify bring to the table. By weighing their respective strengths, we'll uncover which time tracking app emerges victorious in helping you reach peak efficiency at work.

Comprehensive Overview of Harvest

Harvest is an award-winning time tracking and project management tool that empowers teams to spend their time wisely. We've designed a tool that captures critical project data, such as billable hours and expenses; it enables businesses to learn from past experiences, keep current projects on track, and better estimate future projects. 

Boasting over 70,000+ customers worldwide across various industries including creative agencies and management consulting firms, our platform is designed for teams of all sizes.

Time Tracking

Harvest offers an intuitive, lightweight solution for tracking hours and projects. Our platform is easy to adopt and use daily, with dedicated apps available on browsers, desktops, and mobile devices.

Integrated Workflow

Our tool integrates seamlessly with popular applications that teams already know and love, making it even easier for them to capture their time without disrupting their existing workflows. For instance, ClickUp users can integrate the Harvest tracker directly into their projects for ease of access and reporting. 

Custom Reminders

We provide automated reminders within the Harvest platform to ensure consistency in time tracking across your team members. Say goodbye to forgotten time logs and clocks that run late into the night – your team will be notified if their mouse stays idle for too long.

Reports & Analysis

With our powerful visual reports feature, users can keep track of budgets, team capacity, and project costs, and analyze how they spend their time on various tasks or projects. It’s easy to see how much availability you’ve got as a team (or how overloaded everyone is!).

Invoicing & Payments

Harvest streamlines the invoicing process by transforming tracked time and expenses into accurate invoices while offering integrated online payments through PayPal or Stripe integrations for faster payment collection from clients.

Scalable Solution

Our flexible one-product-fits-all approach allows businesses of any size to scale up as needed without requiring multiple products or complex implementations. It’s a simple payment system and new members can be added with just a few clicks. 

Harvest Strengths

  1. Easy Adoption & Usability: Harvest's intuitive design and user-friendly interface make it simple for teams to adopt the platform and incorporate it into their daily workflows.
  2. Wide Range of Integrations: Our platform integrates with numerous popular tools such as Trello, Slack, Asana, and others, facilitating seamless time tracking across various applications.
  3. Comprehensive Reporting & Analysis Tools: Harvest provides a wealth of visual reports that enable users to gain insights into project budgets, team capacity, and cost analysis – keeping projects on track and supporting informed decision-making processes.
  4. Flexible Invoicing & Payment Options: We offer streamlined invoicing by converting tracked time and expenses into accurate invoices while providing integrated online payment options via PayPal or Stripe integrations for faster collection from clients.
  5. Scalable Solution for Growing Teams: With our one-product-fits-all approach that caters to businesses of all sizes – from small startups to large enterprises – we provide a comprehensive solution that evolves alongside your business needs.

Harvest Limitations

Harvest primarily focuses on time tracking, powerful reporting, and invoicing, but with Zapier plug-ins and more than 50 integrations with the tools you already know and love, this is an easy limitation to quickly overcome. 

Harvest is a powerful and user-friendly time tracking solution that offers essential project management features to help teams manage their work efficiently. Its strengths lie in its ease of use, extensive integrations, comprehensive reporting tools, flexible invoicing options, and scalability across all team sizes. 

Comprehensive Overview of Clockify

Clockify is an online time tracking and timesheet app designed for teams of all sizes. As a company who has recently entered the market within the last five years, Clockify's platform offers free access to some of its core features. 

Time Tracking

Clockify's primary function is to track time spent on projects, tasks, or individual activities by employees or team members. Users can either start and stop timers manually on their device or use automatic tracking tools like auto-tracker that observe software usage patterns.

Project Tracking

The platform allows managers to assign project tasks to team members while monitoring progress and costs simultaneously. Admins can define different hourly rates for workspaces, users, and projects – making billing clients more efficient.


Clockify connects with many popular applications along with CRM software, enabling users to track time without switching between tabs or applications. The platform also has an open API and supports Zapier integrations.

Reports & Dashboards

Clockify offers dashboards that provide snapshots of staff activities and individual projects and tasks. In addition, the platform generates customizable reports filtered according to various parameters like date, department, group, project tag, or user.

Timesheets & Expense Tracking

Clockify's timesheet feature enables tracking billable and non-billable hours on projects and tasks while allowing Standard, Pro, and Enterprise plan users to review and approve timesheets for payroll submissions. Additionally, Pro or Enterprise users can track expenses such as fixed fees (retainers and day rates) or upload receipts associated with a project.

Clockify Strengths

  1. Unlimited Users & Projects: One of Clockify's primary strengths lies in its ability to accommodate an unlimited number of users and projects for free, making it accessible to everyone regardless of team size or budget constraints.
  2. Comprehensive Project Management Features: Clockify's project tracking capabilities are suitable for hybrid project-based freelancers, small teams, businesses, and large organizations alike.
  3. Customizable Reports & Dashboards: The platform provides easily customizable reports that can be shared with clients or employees while offering tailored dashboards according to each user's status within the organization.

Clockify Limitations

As a newcomer to the time tracking market, Clockify is still figuring out their payment functionality. As of now, users need to use a third-party software to accept payments from clients, as Clockify does not offer a solution for this. 

Comparing Harvest and Clockify

Both Harvest and Clockify are popular time tracking applications with a range of features aimed at helping teams manage their work efficiently – but which is best? How can you make the right decision for your team?

Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the right tool for your business:

  • Team Size and Scalability: Consider whether the application can accommodate your team's size, both now and in the future. Harvest is a scalable solution that works well for businesses of all sizes. 
  • Budget Constraints: If cost is an essential factor for your organization, evaluate each platform's pricing structure and features offered within different plans. While Clockify provides basic time tracking functionality for free, Harvest operates on a subscription-based model offering a 30-day free trial without requiring credit card information.
  • Integration with Existing Workflows: Assess how well each application integrates into your team's current workflows by examining compatibility with frequently used tools like project management software or third-party payroll providers.
  • Ease of Adoption & Usability: The success of any new tool depends largely on its adoption by team members; therefore, it is crucial to analyze user-friendliness, interface design, setup process complexity, and learning curve when comparing options.
  • Reporting & Analysis Features: Evaluate reporting capabilities provided by each platform to understand how they contribute towards data-driven decision-making processes within your organization – particularly regarding budget tracking, capacity planning, or expense management.
  • Invoicing & Payment Options: Consider which invoicing methods best align with your existing accounting processes and whether integrated online payment options could speed up revenue collection from clients – streamlined invoicing available in Harvest may be beneficial here.
  • Specialized Features & Functionalities: Analyze specific requirements based on unique aspects of your business operations, then compare each platform's offerings accordingly.

By considering these factors carefully alongside individual business needs, you will be better equipped to choose between Harvest and Clockify as the ideal time tracking app for supporting optimal efficiency within your organization.

Implementing Your New Tool

Once you've selected the ideal time tracking tool for your organization, it's crucial to implement it effectively to ensure maximum benefits and user adoption. Start by involving key stakeholders and team members in the setup process, customizing settings to match your specific business needs, such as project categories or hourly rates. 

Introduce comprehensive training sessions that highlight essential features while focusing on real-life scenarios relevant to your team's daily tasks. Encourage open communication channels for feedback and troubleshooting during the initial roll-out phase, allowing users to share their experiences and suggest improvements. 

Finally, monitor usage patterns regularly through built-in reporting tools – this will enable you to make data-driven decisions about optimizing workflows while identifying areas where additional support or training may be needed. 

If you embrace a strategic approach with ongoing evaluation and support mechanisms in place, you can seamlessly integrate your chosen time tracking tool into your organization's culture – fostering efficiency gains that ultimately contribute towards long-term success.

Wrap Up

With this comprehensive comparison of Harvest and Clockify under your belt, you're now better equipped to navigate through the twists and turns of selecting the ideal time tracking app – one that supports your journey toward productivity success.

We're biased (of course), but if you're looking for a time tracker that covers all of the bases, Harvest is the go-to choice. With its user-friendly interface, extensive integrations, seamless invoicing process, powerful reporting tools, and scalability that caters to teams of all sizes, it's a robust solution for managing your work efficiently.

Ready to level up your time tracking capabilities? Sign up for our free, no-strings-attached 30-day trial here. It’s as easy as a few clicks.