Just like that and we’re two months into 2012 (which I’m still referring to as the new year — is it time to stop that?). This past week, we released the new password section in user profiles, and we’re just about done with a brand new, interactive projects section. It’s a little behind schedule; here’s a great analogy on Quora that might help explain why that might be (we should mention that we’ve made it past Santa Barbara and we’re just a few miles away from LA proper – but you know, the traffic can be bad on Route 1). We’re also getting ready to release two exciting projects, both are done on our end, and just waiting for some feedback from others. One is the new and amazing Harvest widget for Zendesk. The other project looks something like this:

As usual, a round up of things Harvesters shared on Co-op and elsewhere:
- Danny registered Harvest for SXSW Ball! Looks like we will be against Gilt City in the first round.
- Barry found some music that would, supposedly, enhance your productivity while programming (we cannot guarantee success!).
- Our intern Joschka presented the new ticker he built (scroll down to the middle) at NYC.js. Yes, the ticker is completely CSS3 and using no graphics, (open source available soon).
- Design vs marketing, via Lettini.
- Our favorite alt text of the week: “divider lines are awesome”. Nice one, New Relic.
- Jon came across this Quora thread about best startup community managers. Our very own Karen made the short list. Take a bow, Karen!
- And lastly, something for you to think about: Design-time Versus Meeting-time. #workbetter
That wraps up another productive and fun week at Harvest. Enjoy the weekend!