
It is no secret that being an architect is a roller coaster ride full of creative challenges and groundbreaking projects. 

The pressure put on your shoulders is no joke, and lately, it seems like the weight has been getting heavier. In fact, a recent survey revealed a startling finding: a whopping 96.9% of architecture teams reported experiencing burnout in one form or another.

We get it; every project demands the utmost dedication, long employee work hours, and late nights. It's not just about sketching blueprints; it's about turning dreams into tangible structures that leave a lasting impact on our cities and communities. 

But amidst the hustle and bustle, we often find ourselves wishing for a fix that could ease the burden and help us boost productivity without sacrificing our sanity. The good news is we've discovered an innovation that can make a real difference - time tracking. 

Now, don't roll your eyes just yet! We know it might sound like another mundane task management tool, but it's a lot more than that.

In this guide, we'll go in-depth on time tracking for architecture firms, explore how it can revolutionize the way your team operates, and, most importantly, rescue you from the claws of burnout.

Let's uncover the perfect time tracking tools your architecture firm needs.

Why Should Architecture Firms Track Time?

Time management might not be the most thrilling part of being an architect, but it's an absolute game-changer when it comes to running a successful and efficient firm.

Time tracking is like having a superpower, giving you the ability to understand exactly how your team is spending their precious hours, where resources are being utilized, and how projects are progressing. With this newfound insight, you can bid farewell to guesswork and make data-driven decisions that lead to improved productivity and profitability.

Tracking time can also help you identify bottlenecks and identify areas for improvement that require additional support or training. And let's not forget the magic word – efficiency. When you track time, you're essentially finding those hidden pockets of time that might have slipped through the cracks.

With these insights, you can optimize your team's workflow, eliminate time-wasting activities, and get more done in less time. Efficiency not only leads to satisfied clients but also empowers your team to take on more exciting and challenging projects.

In a world where every minute counts, time tracking gives you the superpower to navigate through the challenges of architecture while keeping your team and projects on the path to success. 

The Risk of Spreadsheet Time Tracking

While spreadsheet time tracking has been a long-standing go-to solution for basic time tracking, its limitations and risks have become increasingly apparent as technology advances. Despite its familiarity and initial simplicity, this traditional approach no longer meets the demands and challenges faced by modern firms.

For one, manual project tracking into spreadsheet cells can be a tedious and error-prone process, leading to potential inaccuracies that may impact project budgets and resource allocation. In a profession where precision is paramount, even the smallest typo can have significant consequences.

When multiple team members work on the same document simultaneously, it's also easy to lose track of changes and create conflicting data sets. This lack of real-time synchronization often results in confusion, delays, and miscommunication.

Time tracking for architecture firms is needed to remain competitive and successful, so they need a more innovative, comprehensive, and efficient time tracking solution. By transitioning from spreadsheets to intuitive timesheets, architects can overcome the limitations of the past and harness the power of technology in a fast-paced industry.

Why It's Time to Embrace Time Tracking Software

It's finally time for architecture firms to bid farewell to traditional timekeeping and embrace reliable time tracking software to stay ahead of the game.

So, why exactly should your firm jump on the time tracking software bandwagon? Here are exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

  • Efficiency Redefined: Say goodbye to manual data entry and tedious calculations. With automatic time tracking, your team can focus on what they do best. The hours spent wrestling with spreadsheets can now be channeled into crafting awe-inspiring blueprints.
  • Real-Time Insights: Time tracking software offers real-time insights, something that spreadsheets cannot provide. Stay in the loop with real time data on project progress, resource allocation, and team performance. No more guesswork or blind navigation; now, you have a compass guiding you toward better decisions.
  • Collaboration at its Finest: Working together becomes a breeze with time tracking software. Team members can easily log their hours, communicate updates, and share valuable project information effortlessly. Often accepting unlimited users, including remote teams, working together on the same digital page, collaboration becomes a symphony of creativity and efficiency.
  • Unleash the Power of Analytics: Data is the new gold, and time tracking software is the treasure trove. Unlock a world of analytics and advanced reporting capabilities with detailed reports, empowering you to identify trends, spot bottlenecks, and make informed decisions.
  • Security and Peace of Mind: Data breaches have exposed over six million records worldwide, making secure databases more essential than ever. With robust encryption and secure cloud storage, your sensitive information remains safe from prying eyes. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is in good hands through reputable time tracking software.
  • Scaling for Success: As your architecture firm grows and takes on bigger challenges, time tracking software scales with you. Whether you have five or fifty projects needing monthly or weekly timesheets, managing them all becomes a breeze. Embrace growth without the growing pains.
  • Empower Your Team: A happy workplace culture creates productive teams. Time tracking software empowers your architects by providing a clear view of their workloads, enabling them to achieve a healthier work-life balance. Because less time is spent on tedious administrative tasks, employee productivity increases, allowing them to concentrate on their creative work.

The industry is all about progress and staying ahead of the curve, and time tracking software is the catalyst that propels architecture firms forward.

Key Features Architects Should Look for in a Time Tracking App

When it comes to time tracking for architecture firms, the options are endless, and it can be overwhelming. Let's unveil the top must-have features that architects should look at among the sea of choices.

  • Project Management: A top-notch time tracker should go beyond merely tracking hours. Look for one that offers robust project and task management capabilities. Whether you're handling multiple projects or intricate phases within a single endeavor, the ability to organize and categorize tasks ensures nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Mobile Accessibility: As architects, we're not always confined to our desks. On-site visits, client meetings, and site inspections are part of our routine. So, make sure your chosen time tracker offers a mobile app, alongside a responsive desktop app interface. Logging hours and accessing project data from your phone or tablet brings convenience, including for remote employees.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Time tracking is meant to simplify your life, not add more complexity. Look for a tool with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that minimizes the learning curve. The last thing you want is to waste time figuring out how to log hours when you could be making progress on your projects.
  • Integration with Existing Tools: Architecture firms typically use a suite of software for various tasks – from design tools to accounting software. Your time tracker should play well with others. Seek out a solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing software ecosystem, ensuring a smooth flow of data between applications.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Numbers don't lie, and that's why reporting and analytics are vital features. A great time tracker should offer advanced features, such as detailed reports and visualizations that provide insights into billable hours, resource utilization, and project profitability. These analytics will be your guiding stars in making data-driven decisions.
  • Flexibility in Time Entry: Architecture projects can be unique and diverse, and your time tracker should be flexible enough to adapt. Whether you need to track hours in intervals, enter time as decimals, or accommodate multiple currencies, ensure that the tool accommodates your specific needs.
  • Invoice Generation: Time tracking is not just about internal management; it also impacts your client interactions. An ideal time tracker should seamlessly generate invoices based on tracked hourly rates. With automated invoicing, you can ensure accurate billing and maintain healthy client relationships.
  • Collaboration and User Permissions: In a team-based environment, collaboration is key. Look for a time tracker that allows multiple users with different permission levels. This ensures that each team member has access to relevant data while maintaining data security and privacy.

When you keep these features in mind, you will be able to find the right time tracker that suits your firm's unique needs.

Top Time Tracking Tools for Architects

Like a finely tuned orchestra, time tracking tools bring harmony to the chaotic rhythm of architectural projects. Just as a conductor relies on the expertise of each musician to create a masterpiece, architects rely on timesheets to synchronize their projects.

Let's go over our top time tracking tools, uncovering their additional features that go beyond basic time tracking, and how they align with architects' creative endeavors.

1. Harvest

Picture an easy-to-use and on-the-go time tracking tool that caters to architects and businesses of all shapes and sizes. Harvest takes center stage with its comprehensive project management capabilities, seamless invoicing, and a treasure trove of insightful reporting.

Architects can bid farewell to manual spreadsheets and welcome a digital companion that accurately records hours and minutes. With powerful analytics at their fingertips, architects can navigate the complexities of project management with confidence, making informed decisions that keep them ahead of the curve.

Available for a free trial, Harvest easily integrates with your favorite collaboration and project management tools, such as Trello, Basecamp, and GitHub, seamlessly integrating into your existing workflow. Take the plunge today and see how Harvest changes the game!

2. Hubstaff

Hubstaff's minimalistic timesheets and friendly user interface make it easy for architects to track time. Their location tracking capabilities add an extra dimension of efficiency, ensuring architects stay on top of their game, no matter where their creative journeys take them.

3. Monograph

Monograph is a simple and intuitive project management software that helps architects organize work and streamline complex processes.

From planning and managing projects to tracking time and reporting, Monograph's seamless integration of time as a key unit of measurement is a game-changer for architects seeking to maximize productivity and profitability.


BQE CORE is designed to save architects time with a unified hub that meets their needs. With the software you can coordinate with your team and build contracts with ease. 

However, reviewers say there are some challenges in the implementation process and resource allocation, so you might want to start with a trial if considering BQE CORE to ensure it works well for your needs. 

5. TimeCamp

TimeCamp is a browser extension time tracking software that comes equipped with  automatic time tracking, income calculation, invoicing, and integrations with popular tools. 

Architects revel in the power of web-based reports, productivity verification, and attendance and time-off tracking, all contributing to a seamless and efficient workflow.

6. RescueTime

RescueTime focuses on time management and productivity, giving architects a way to explore time usage, optimize productivity and find innovative solutions that can improve project management. 

However, it’s important to note that RescueTime is not suitable for people who charge by the hour, and reviewers say the mobile app needs some work. 

7. Time Doctor

Time Doctor helps companies boost productivity, optimize work schedules, track billable hours, and generate accurate invoices.

Although the user interface is a little outdated compared to other tools on the market, the in-depth productivity reports, distraction management features, and project management tools can be helpful for creative architects.  

8. Bill4Time

Accurate project time tracking meets seamless project management in Bill4Time, making it a good choice for architects seeking billing support. Architects can effortlessly track time online, make manual entries when needed, and access automatic expense tracking to create invoices with ease.

Offering clients online payment options ensures a smooth and efficient invoicing process that leaves architects and clients satisfied.

9. Deltek Ajera

With a focus on architecture and engineering firms, Deltek Ajera offers visibility into projects, maximizing productivity and team collaboration. As architects navigate the intricacies of project management, Deltek Ajera provides insights that fuel progress and success.

According to reviews, Deltek Ajera does take some time to learn and isn’t as user friendly as other options, which is important to consider before implementing it into your workflows. 

10. Wrike

Wrike caters to mid-sized architecture firms and provides a diverse array of views, from interactive Gantt charts to collaborative boards. With live timers and manual log entries, architects can better manage their time and projects. 

However, if you’re looking for robust budgeting and invoicing tools, you might need to use another software in tandem with Wrike. 

Embrace the power of these top time tracking tools, and watch as they unleash the full potential of your architecture firm. Elevate your time management, boost productivity, and seize every creative opportunity that comes your way. 

Best Practices to Implement Time Tracking Software

Implementing time tracking software can be a game-changing decision for your architecture firm, but it requires a strategic approach to ensure a smooth transition and maximize its benefits. 

To make the most of this innovative tool, consider these best practices for implementing time tracking software.

  • Get Buy-In from the Team: Introduce the idea of time tracking software to your team early on and explain the benefits it brings. Address any concerns or misconceptions and emphasize how the tool will streamline processes and improve productivity. When your team understands the value of time tracking, they are more likely to embrace it wholeheartedly.
  • Select the Right Tool: Not all time tracking software is created equal. Research and test different options to find the one that best aligns with your firm's unique needs and workflows. Ensure the tool is user-friendly, offers the essential features, and integrates smoothly with your existing software stack.
  • Provide Training and Support: Proper training is essential for a successful implementation. Offer comprehensive training sessions to your team, covering everything from basic time logging to generating detailed reports. Additionally, have a dedicated support system in place to address any questions or issues that arise during the initial phase.
  • Start with a Pilot Project: Rather than diving headfirst into full-scale implementation, consider starting with a pilot project. Select a small team or specific project to test the time tracking software and gather feedback. This trial period allows you to fine-tune the process before rolling it out across the entire firm.
  • Clarify Expectations: Set realistic expectations for using the time tracking software. Define the required fields, time entry intervals, and any project-specific considerations. Standardizing time tracking practices ensures consistency and makes data analysis more meaningful.
  • Encourage Real-Time Tracking: Promote the habit of real-time tracking among your team members. Encourage them to log hours as they work on projects to ensure accurate time tracking and prevent the burden of backtracking at the end of the day or week.
  • Monitor and Evaluate Progress: Regularly monitor the implementation process and gather feedback from your team. Assess how well the time tracking software aligns with your firm's goals and objectives. Use the insights gained to make necessary adjustments and improvements.
  • Lead by Example: As a leader, set the example by using the time tracking software yourself. When your team sees you embracing the tool, they are more likely to follow suit and see the value it brings.

Remember, the true power of time tracking lies not just in the software itself but in how well it aligns with your firm's goals and how effectively your team embraces it.

Extra Tips to Boost Productivity

Boosting productivity is the secret sauce that transforms architecture firms from good to extraordinary. While a productivity tracker plays a significant role in this endeavor, there are several additional tips that can supercharge your team's efficiency and creativity.

  • Communication is Key: Foster a culture of open communication and collaboration within your team. Encourage architects, designers, and project managers to exchange ideas freely and provide constructive feedback. A unified and communicative team can tackle challenges more effectively and produce innovative solutions.
  • Clearly Define Goals: Set clear objectives for each project and organize them into manageable steps. Prioritize these tasks based on deadlines, complexity, and client needs. Having well-structured plan projects ensures that everyone is on the same page and focuses their efforts where they matter most.
  • Utilize Design Technology: Leverage the power of design and visualization software to streamline your design process. Utilizing Building Information Modeling (BIM) and other advanced tools can expedite project development, improve accuracy, and facilitate better coordination among team members.
  • Encourage Continuous Learning: The architecture industry is constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest trends, materials, and technologies is crucial. Encourage your team to attend workshops, conferences, and training sessions to nurture their skills and stay ahead in the game.
  • Create an Inspiring Workspace: A well-designed and inspiring workspace can have a profound impact on creativity and productivity. Ensure your office is well-lit, organized, and equipped with ergonomic furniture. Consider adding creative spaces where architects can brainstorm and find inspiration.
  • Implement Agile Project Management: Agile methodologies aren't just for software development; they can be applied in architecture too. Embrace agile project management principles to foster adaptability, flexibility, and iterative progress in your projects.
  • Promote Work-Life Balance: Encourage a healthy work-life balance among your team members. Overworked and stressed architects are less likely to produce their best work. Implement policies that promote wellness and offer flexible working hours when feasible.
  • Automate Mundane Tasks: Identify repetitive tasks that consume time and automate them whenever possible. Alongside using a time tracker, this could include automated reporting, invoicing, or notifications to streamline administrative processes.
  • Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your team's achievements, both big and small. Recognize hard work, dedication, and innovative thinking. Celebrations not only boost team morale but also motivate everyone to aim higher.

By implementing these extra productivity-boosting tips alongside a robust time tracking tool, your architecture firm will witness a transformation in your team's innovation, efficiency, and overall project outcomes. 

Choose Harvest: Your Firm’s Blueprint to Success 

Time tracking for architecture firms has become an essential part of their success. As the industry evolves, they are able to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and success. All you have to do is choose the one that suits your needs the best.

Amidst the multitude of options, Harvest stands tall as the ultimate time tracker, offering a powerful online timesheet software that architects can rely on.

As the world embraces remote work and collaboration, the need for efficient time management becomes more critical than ever. Harvest recognizes this evolving landscape and equips architects with the tools they need to stay ahead of the curve.

With each tick of the clock, Harvest empowers architects to seize control of their time, enabling them to focus on what matters most to them.

Let's give it a try. Connect with us today to discover how Harvest can optimize your architectural productivity.